Project Overview

The Dunedin Tunnels Trail is a project to build a 15km cycle and walking trail between Dunedin and Mosgiel
In the 1870s NZ Railways built two tunnels that by 1911 were redundant. We want to open the Chain Hills tunnel and Lookout Point tunnels back up to walkers, cyclists, scooters, recreationalists, commuters, and tourists to see a special bit of our Victorian heritage and make it easy for us young or old to connect with each other. The trail will follow the old railway alignment between Wingatui and Caversham, which was in use from 1880 until 1910 It includes 2 currently disused Victorian Railway Tunnels.
The trail will provide an amenity that can be used by everyone. It offers a flat dedicated walking and cycling route with no vehicular traffic connecting the fast growing town of Mosgiel to Dunedin city centre, while passing through and close to suburbs where many potential users of the trail live, such as Fairfield, Abbotsford and Green Island.
As the Southern gateway to the city it will also connect Dunedin to the wider network of trails throughout Otago and the rest of the country.
The trail will …
- be largely off-road and relatively flat, making it easier to cycle or walk and a more attractive alternative option for everyday commuting and recreational cycling and walking for all ages between Dunedin city centre, Caversham, Burnside, Green Island, Abbotsford, Fairfield and Mosgiel city centre
- provide a safer and user-friendly path through two decommissioned railway tunnels (Chain Hills and Caversham), along the old railway line, existing road network, and access through private property
Safety and security measures include fencing along the old railway tracks, signage and lighting through the tunnels and along the trail route - link through to other cycle networks.
Section 1
Open up the Chain hills Tunnel
- repairs to Chain Hills tunnel brickwork
- surface preparation,, clearing, repairing of surface and gravel
- provision of lighting in the tunnel
- provision of signage and on-road cycle route Mosgiel-Wingatui
Tender released 24 Feb 2025: Dunedin Tunnels Trail – physical works (Gladstone Road towards Abbotsford)

Section 2
Wingatui - Burnside
Expected start 2023
- Wingatui through Chain Hills tunnel open
- trail surface preparation, gravel application
- Develop trail following KiwiRail line to Abbots Creek overbridge
- Under the overbridge, potentially across Fulton Hogan land to Grand Vista subdivision
- Through existing underpass, follow Kiwirail line with some new overbridges through to Burnside
Section 3
Burnside-Caversham including the currently disused Caversham railway tunnel
Expected completion 2025
- development of trail through Burnside and Kaikorai Valley areas
- remedial works to tunnel entrances
- provision of lighting in the tunnel
- provision of signage
- surface preparation, clearing vegetation, repairing trail surface and gravel application
Dunedin Tunnel Cycle Trail Single Stage Business Case, 2022
(Note: documents hosted on Dunedin City Council site)
- Dunedin Tunnel Cycle Trail Single Stage Business Case (PDF File, 2.1 MB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix A - C (PDF File, 952.8 KB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix D part 1 (PDF File, 2.5 MB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix D part 2 (PDF File, 11.1 MB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix E - L (PDF File, 5.9 MB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix M (PDF File, 3.1 MB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix N part 1 (PDF File, 8.3 MB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix N part 2 (PDF File, 6.6 MB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix N part 3 (PDF File, 4.4 MB | New window)
- Business Case Appendix O - R (PDF File, 1.8 MB | New window)