Chain Hills Open Day May 2023

What a great Day! The Chain Hills Open Day was an overwhelming success for the Dunedin Tunnels Trail Trust, with nearly 2000 people attending over a sunny 3 hours.
We had the Mosgiel Scout group running a sausage sizzle, The Shot Mobile providing coffee, and the Taieri Rotary Club doing a sterling job managing the parking at the Wingatui Raceway. The DCC organised the traffic management signage and cones to keep both foot traffic and vehicles flowing.
A huge thank you to the landowners, and all the volunteers managing the crowd and answering the many many questions. The most frequent question would have been 'When will it be open for us to use it?" Everyone seemed to love wandering through the tunnel (mud and all), and the bush at the eastern end.
People also recognised that this is a way for them to be able to cycle safely, and reduce our carbon footprint, road congestion, and pressure on parking.