Annual Plan Submission 2023

Feedback submissions are now open for the 2023 DCC Annual Plan, and we need you to let the Council know that you support the Tunnels Trail project from Mosgiel through to Caversham and want to see it underway as soon as possible.
The Council has started the designwork for the Tunnels trail between Mosgiel and Caversham through the two old rail tunnels as one project (“Single Stage”). While this is good news, we want to avoid on-going and lengthy delays that only add cost and restrict use. We need YOU to tell the Council you support this plan and want to see it implemented as soon as possible!
It’s extremely important for every person who supports this idea to let the Councillors to know of your support via the Submissions form. Simply put, if you don’t tell them, they won’t know.
What can I do?
Let the Council know you support the plan to proceed with the Tunnels Trail from Mosgiel to Caversham by filling in the DCC Submission form. It only takes a couple of minutes. This needs to be done by noon, 21st April ‘23. Take a few minutes and do it now.
Here’s some text to get you started:
Click on the text above and copy it (Cntl-C), then head over to the DCC Submission form to fill in the form. In the ‘How are we doing?’ box paste the above text (Cntl-V), add in anything else you want to say, and complete the form. You don’t have to speak, but there is the opportunity to book a time and do so.